Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Well today I woke up with the worst back ache ever. I hate when I have a day off and then I am incapacitated.  It started just before Thanksgiving. I went to the doctor, he gave me some steroids and so steroids gone, pain back, in every sense of the words. I just might have kidney stones. Tomorrow we will see after the CT scan.
Anyway so since I really couldn't sit or stand or anything. I sorted. I looked through some of the old toys in G's cubby and put them in some glass jars I had. I have saved them just because I love them so much. Toy Story and Ninja Turtles and Spiderman to mention a few.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December 4th

Today I embroidered on my machine a cute little tea light nativity scene. Here is the baby Jesus.

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Month of December

On Saturday the 1st I decided to do something creative everyday.  Now that doesn't mean just making something, for me it also means cleaning and organizing all my various craft stuffes.
I cant reveal all my projects because many are gifts and in the small chance someone views this blog I wouldn't want to spoil any surprise.  I made a quilt top on Saturday.  On Sunday I wrapped fabric on comic book boards. I will explain this later. I went through 80. That means I had 80 different pieces of fabric laying around that needed some organizing.

December 3rd, Monday, I finished 20 more boards. Made another quilt top and sewed the back.  Ready for quilting. I am hoping to make a quilt top at least every other day.
 Here is a picture of what the fabric looks like on the boards.  Im excited for the ease of organization.